Stroller all terrain Mountain Buggy

From 0 to 5 year old.

The Birth Stroller all terrain, rented by Familib, is light and practical for parents. It is suitable for babies and children from birth to 5-year-old (up to 25kg)


The three-wheel pushchair from Mountain Buggy is ideal for the city or the beaten tracks. Ideal for parents who desires to stroll on the beach, the mountain or the wood with baby.

It is very easy to fold the Birth Stroller all terrain, we offer for rental provides the best comfort to your child, the seat and the foot - rest being fully adjustable.


If you want more details on the use of the all-terrain stroller for your child you just need to watch the video by clicking on the blue link here above.

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All terrain strollers’ rental for babies and children from birth to 5 year old (up to 25kg)

. The seat of the stroller is ajustable ; from the vertical position to the lying flat in forded to respond to child’s need.

. Folding hood of the strollers with knitted visor is able to resist sun’s rays.

. Have a window of visibility.

. Fixed wheel or pivoted wheel, and rear suspensions.

. Easy braking system




. Standing : Width 63 cm ; Height 111 cm ; Length 113 cm 
. Folded : Width 163 cm ; Height 30 cm ; Length 103 cm

Some tips before using the Birth Stroller all terrain three-wheels :


. Nothing should hang on the handles (neither bag nor basket).

. Never go outdoors with your child in the event of bad weather.

. Always secure your child in the stroller.

. Be very careful when you fold the stroller, do not injured your fingers.

. Never leave your child unattended in the stroller.


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