Location de matériel pour les enfants !

What should I do with my baby's toys that are no longer being used?

Santa Claus is not far away! He will be able to start his tour with his hood full of gifts. At the dawn of this beautiful event, what to do with my children's old toys? Can we give them a second life? Familib answers you in this article!
Le 21/12/2020

What means do we have to give a second life to the toys of our children ? Nothing is better than giving and sharing to part with old toys without feeling guilty.

Offer them to family members or friends who are waiting for a happy event. You can also offer them to nurseries or kindergartens; it will make other children happy!

Are your children growing up and discovering new interests? This is your opportunity to replace them by doing a good deed!

During the Christmas holidays, there are many associations such as Emmaus, Secours Populaire or the Red Cross who are looking for toys, cuddly toys and books for those who can't afford them, so it's time to give them a treat!

In the same spirit, some toy specialists can also help you in this process. To teach the notion of sharing and generosity to children, 'PicWicToys' or 'La Grande Récré' provide toy boxes in which you can put your used toys. Afterwards, associations will give a second life to these toys by donating them to hospitals or children in need.  

Give a second life to your toys by selling them in garage sales or sales depots !

The garage saleis a one- or two-day event in the year for individuals. Organized by the town halls in many towns and villages, it allows to sell objects that are no longer useful. It is also a good way to get your children to participate in the sale of their own toys in a playful and autonomous way for the happiness of other families.

Sales deposits. These are stores that sell second-hand products in excellent condition.

The concept is simple: on the customer's side, you will find toys, clothes, books, board games and also for some of the childcare articles at very advantageous prices!

On the depositor's side, you just have to propose your article to the store manager. 

After fixing a selling price together, a commission will be paid to you once the product is sold; interesting, isn't it?

Some of our withdrawal points are children's sales deposits. Located throughout France, we think it would be interesting to make you discover these stores!

  • ZigZag enfant à Lille
  • Bambino à Aix en Provence.
  • 2 fois 9 à Paris dans le 18e.
  • Bambin Troc à paris dans le 15e.

A gesture for our planet ! It is possible that some toys may be too damaged or broken to be donated.  In such cases, don't panic, recycling is the solution!

Indeed, it is an ecological way to throw away your toys. There are many recycling bins available in the cities. There are textile or paper bollards to deposit stuffed animals and books, but also bollards for household appliances dedicated to your children's small electronic toys: that's all there is to it!

We hope that our advice will help you to make room in your children's room and especially under the tree!

The Familib team wishes you a very merry Christmas !  

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