Location de matériel pour les enfants !

How to buy cheaper childcare equipment ?

When you have children, you always try to control your budget. They grow up so fast that their needs are no longer the same from one semester or year to the next. Here are a few tips to help you find cheaper childcare products!
Le 04/05/2020
  • It may not always be necessary to buy! Just ask friends or relatives who have become parents! They may have kept some of the clothing or childcare equipment you are looking for. Why not ask them to lend it to you?


  • For the mother-to-be, there is also the Babyshower, which allows you to celebrate the passage from young woman to young mother. This Anglo-Saxon antenatal celebration usually takes place during the third trimester of pregnancy. With friends or family, the mother-to-be has fun and relaxation around games, entertainment, cupcakes and other delicacies. Within a few hours, she receives many gifts for her unborn baby.  


  • As soon as the baby arrives, there is the birth list. Whether it's for decorating the baby's room, a baby monitor or a sleeping bag, this list will allow you to save money and please your loved ones! In need of ideas? Here is Listedenaissance.fr which allows you to put your list online and share it!


  • There are second-hand products with sales deposits for children. You will find a multitude of products: toys, clothing, childcare products, some of them will even be new! 2 large sales depots for children in Paris: 2 fois 9  in the 18th arrondissement and Bambin Troc in the 15th district. On the Internet, there are also platforms such as Vinted or Leboncoin


  • And if you have a crush on a little dress or a small piece of furniture that would fit perfectly in the future room, then go for Sales or Private Sales!


  • Think about renting to consume better !

. For clothes, think about Babyclo.fr which is a site close to the values of Familib.com ! All the clothes are certified organic and it is very easy to book, receive and return your items.

. For childcare products, there's Familib.com, a website where you can rent a car seat, stroller, baby carrier or cot online for less than 5 euros a day anywhere in France! The site is simple and practical.


  • Take part in contests through social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. Some brands will be able to make you win toys, clothes or childcare for your child. So don't hesitate to find out who knows, maybe luck will spoil you? Ex: on Instagram, the Hashtag #child contest lists the contests for you!


  • Garage sales have always been an excellent way to buy at unbeatable prices.
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