Childcare: can we consume better and less?

All year round or for a few days, we use them and we would have a hard time doing without them! How to consume better and less with a baby? Our advice and good addresses. We talk about it in our article!
Le 30/01/2023

Inherited from the industrial revolution, our current economic model is based on a linear value chain: extract resources, thanks to them, manufacture products, sell them, consume them then throw them away. We realize how much this model is in tension when resources become scarce and the volume of waste explodes. Today, another economic model is taking shape, no longer linear but circular.

A new economy has been born, the economy of functionality, which consists in selling the use of a product rather than the product itself. Today, 77% of French people say they prefer the use of a product to its possession.

If you live in a big city and you own a car, do you think it makes sense to pay for insurance, parking tickets, and maintenance at the garage? What counts is the use you make of it! In this case, it is much more interesting to rent a spacious car that can accommodate the whole family rather than buying it! At Familib, we believe that the economy of functionality will be the one we will all use tomorrow! Our needs today are not the same as yesterday, consumption of use has a future.

The more children grow up, the more toys or clothes accumulate and we don't know where to put them. Depending on the age of the child, the needs change and evolve rapidly. Renting or buying second hand will allow you to change them more regularly! Here are some places and solutions that will allow you to consume better and cheaper: 

Buy second-hand or used childcare products in sales depots! 

Many parents and parents-to-be know that buying clothes, toys and accessories for their child can be very expensive.  Turning to second-hand stores will allow you to save money and help the environment at the same time. 

The low prices and the choice of products offered are one of the many advantages of a second-hand shop for buyers. For the sellers, it will allow them to sort and tidy up their child's belongings and to recover a little money.

There is probably a children's store near you? And if you choose to buy locally from a shopkeeper in your neighborhood, you'll always have good advice!

Here are our good addresses (excellent reception guaranteed) in : 

  • Lille le dépôt vente Zigzag
  • Aix en Provence the Bambino shop
  • Paris in the 9th district Deux fois 9
  • Brest le dépôt vente R-kid
  • Bastia at mini nous 

For the mountain, why not rent clothes for your children?

The observation is the same as for the other products for your children: Why buy clothes sometimes very expensive to use them only a few days a year? Moreover, every year, after each use, you have to wash the clothes and store them for many months until next winter!

The advantages of renting clothes for skiing are multiple!

  • you choose clothes that you like, that suit you and that come from major brands.  No more style and size problems from one year to the next!
  • you save hundreds of euros compared to buying new clothes and you are guaranteed to have a high quality suit in perfect condition.
  • During the trip, it will avoid you to have a car trunk filled to the brim and in the train or in the plane, to you the small cabin suitcase!

There is the startup  

Renting childcare products is simple, practical and economical!

For a punctual use or to travel light, renting baby equipment will allow you to save money and not to store a product in the garage, the attic or the cellar which will be used only once or twice a year!

Renting is more economical! 

You are grandparents or parents and you receive children at home? Don't buy your childcare equipment for a few days, rent it! Simple and economical, you can rent a car seat for children from birth to 10 years old on the website  

Rent for your baby, it's a space saver!

Childcare products can be very bulky, especially when you live in an apartment. For a specific need, renting is the perfect solution that will allow you to save space. 

Rent to have a product well adapted to the place!

Although the stroller is an essential product in the daily life of parents, it is sometimes not always adapted to the activity of the moment and can also be a source of clutter in the case of family travel. Why not think about renting a stroller when you travel or for a weekend? 

Renting a stroller on the spot will allow you not to overload yourself. And if your everyday stroller is not adapted to your stay in the mountains or to a walk in the forest, renting will allow you to have a product perfectly adapted to the place and will be more secure for your child. 

Do you know how to rent cloth diapers for your baby?

In France, 3.5 billion single-use diapers are thrown away every year. This represents 351,000 tons of waste for an approximate cost of 21 million euros. A baby will thus produce approximately one ton of diaper waste before the arrival of the potty... 

In short, a real environmental disaster! It is estimated that this waste represents 40% of the household waste of a household with a baby under 2 years old.

We have listed a few other benefits that renting will bring you : 

  • Discover a concept and try it out without any initial investment. 
  • Always have excellent quality diapers.
  • To have products of impeccable hygiene. 

Do you know the startups or ? Try it, it offers a great selection of items for all ages!

To consume better and cheaper, try renting or buying second-hand! Our planet and your budget will be preserved. To leave its wallet to buy new products, it will be soon completely exceeded or 'of the past'!

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