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Five ideas to make your child want to tidy his room !

It is now 4 times that I ask you to tidy your room and you still have not done ! And according to his age, he answers you with cries or "not now, leave me alone, I do not want ..."
Le 18/03/2019

Nothing is more annoying for parents than to see a child's room in disorder. For these reasons, we found some simple tricks to make him want to tidy his room.

It's true, it's not always easy to motivate kids to tidy up, so why not play it ?

Here are some tips or ideas :

. Time the time he will put to tidy his room. Give the start and go! Next time, he will have to try to beat his score.

For the little ones, it will rank by counting the number of toys, for example: can you put away 6 toys ? bravo ! Now can you put away 5 toys ? ... And it's also a great way to learn how to count!

. Storing with a hand, hopping or by color and shape ... Everything is good to involve your child ...!

. You can try to tidy up his room just for a song!

. In addition to or instead of the traditional cabinet or bookshelf, you can choose more functional boxes or bins.

For less than 10 years, just label them by category for example: a box cars, dolls, ponies ... And, if your child can not read yet, you can stick a picture above representing objects or ask your child to draw the labels himself.

For clothes, think for the little ones to open shelves to their easily accessible height, also categorize clothes and why not socks and underwear in a basket or box ..

And most importantly, remember that for a child, his room is primarily a play of discovery, fun and play !!

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