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How to reduce the amount of waste that we produce for the well-being of our planet? Will consuming products without packaging be beneficial to our health? Does it save us money? Familib answers you!
Le 03/05/2021

How to reduce the amount of waste that we produce for the well-being of our planet? Will consuming products without packaging be beneficial to our health? Does it save us money? Familib answers you!

Why is eating products without packaging better for our health? 

Generally, products without packaging are products with little processing, products with a simple or raw composition. Every month, without us being aware of it, our body ingest a few grams of plastic. By choosing to consume products without packaging, our body will be tending to be less exposed to plastic and to micro-particles in the air or in water. 

Hygiene products such as shampoo, toothpaste or deodorant, which we can find in supermarkets, can mostly be replaced by solid state products. They are unpackaged and made with much more natural substances.

Did you know? To reduce babies’ exposure to plastic, there are healthier and more environmentally friendly alternatives: glass, stainless steel or corn starch baby bottles!

Let’s take the example of the children’s shampoo that we find in supermarkets. It contains sodium, parabens of palatals which are potentially carcinogenic, whereas the Lamazuna brand has a range of solid shampoos, for adults and children, with a 100% natural composition!

Does reducing packaging save money? 

Our consumption and production patterns generate a lot of waste. We tend to buy more and more products: between the large packs and the discounts we tend to give in to temptation, even if we don’t need it!

Did you know that the package of a product represents about 15% of its price! For this reason, “zero waste” shops have become increasingly popular in recent years. By purchasing products without packaging, you will be able to save money and in addition it will allow you to have a quantity of product more suitable to your needs!

Another example of responsible consumption: fresh local products. 

When we eat fresh local products, we avoid buying a product that has travelled thousands of kilometers before reaching our plates. Not to mention that its price will be cheaper, as it will not be impacted by travel expenses, packaging or the addition of additives!

Let’s reduce our consumption, we will preserve our planet!

It is important to know that the majority of products which surround us have had a significant manufacturing process. Raw material had to be extracted, energy and resources had to be used for the object to reach its final consumer. 

The majority of single-use products and packaging are made from oil. Packaging such as shower gel or shampoo bottles are not recyclable. 

Nowadays, we have the opportunity to replace some of our single-use products with washable products such as baby diapers, sanitary towels, cotton pads and cotton buds. 

We can also take the example of plastic drinking straws that have been replaced by reusable straws made of stainless steel, bamboo or even ecological paper straws. 

Without forgetting, our two examples to better consume: 

  • The platforms of repurchase of electronic devices. Nowadays, our phones, our computers or our tablets can be bought back for resale!
  • For a prompt need or to travel light, the online rental of children’s equipment is a new consumption model, based on the use! Familib is the freedom of families.

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