Location de matériel pour les enfants !

What are our children doing in kindergarten ?

It's hard to go back to school after wonderful holidays ! Have you ever wondered what are our children doing in kindergarten ?
Le 28/08/2017

The first kindergarten years are really important for the children. The child will discover the wolrd around him/her with various activities, which will help develop the motricity or the senses.

These actions will be a daily help in the child's development. The activities are mostly calm, with rests periods, at the child's rythm. The lunchtime is also a big part of the day's activities. Then, a few hours sleep will help the child recover from the different activities. When its over, the teachers will accompagny the children in new activities with a calm music. It is also time to dress up the children so the parents can pick them up at the end of the day.

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